The Disney Lifestyle – how the corporation sees the future of entertainment and storytelling in the metaverse.

When it comes to entertainment, Walt Disney has not only been a pioneer for many decades, but also a creator. From the early beginnings of animated films to today in robotics and digitization, they are blazing new and sometimes unusual trails.

The Maus Haus has now laid out a blueprint at their D23 Expo for where the next 100 years of storytelling might lie. CEO Bob Chapek talked about the metaverse in the process – though he actively avoided using the word.

He painted a picture of next-generation storytelling and how theme park visits and streaming will converge to deliver entirely new and personalized entertainment experiences.

With many of the major licenses now owned by Disney, including Marvel and Star Wars, the group’s next step is to make Disney a lifestyle. What we know today as entertainment is to become more individualized and tailored, and accessible to everyone.

As an early pioneer of immersive media, such as virtual reality and augmented reality, Disney wants to make its characters even more tangible in the Metaverse. The eight-minute AR movie currently premiering on Disney+ shows the direction this could take.

Would you want to experience adventures with the Avengers, Mickey Mouse or Luke Skywalker? What do you think the optimal immersive and personal entertainment experience looks like?

Alexander Pinker
Alexander Pinker
Alexander Pinker is an innovation profiler, future strategist and media expert who helps companies understand the opportunities behind technologies such as artificial intelligence for the next five to ten years. He is the founder of the consulting firm "Alexander Pinker - Innovation Profiling", the innovation marketing agency "innovate! communication" and the news platform "Medialist Innovation". He is also the author of three books and a lecturer at the Technical University of Würzburg-Schweinfurt.

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