Kategorie: Business

Exemplary technological expertise in leadership: the case of Don Beyer

At a time when artificial intelligence has the potential to profoundly change our society and economy, it is critical that technology policy makers understand exactly what they are steering. Unfortunately, many leaders in both politics and business lack a deep understanding of new technologies, often leading to ill-informed decisions. One example of proactive action is US Congressman Don Beyer, who is deeply involved with machine learning.

AI and Open Innovation: Redefining the Art of the Possible in the Technology Frontier

Open Innovation, invites a symbiotic relationship in which the sharing of knowledge and resources forms the breeding ground for ground-breaking innovations. At the centre of this paradigm shift is a technology that promises nothing less than a revolution in the way we think, create and ultimately innovate: artificial intelligence, especially in its generative form.

Information on the AI Act: Europe’s bold step towards a responsible AI future

Europe stands on the brink of a new era in technology regulation, with the recent passage of the Artificial Intelligence Act marking a bold step into a future where technology not only thrives but does so responsibly.

The Renaissance of Change: Navigating the Age of Generative AI

In an era where the new becomes the old in the blink of an eye, the world of business is facing an unprecedented challenge. The ability of a company not only to master this change, but also to shape it as a pioneer, will determine its place in the future.

Company Watch: Figure AI – The revolution in humanoid robotics

In the rapidly evolving technological landscape, a new chapter is being written with the amalgamation of Artificial Intelligence and robotics. At the forefront of this revolution stands the American startup, Figure AI, armed with a vision to complement human labor with advanced humanoid robots.

The need for a new education in the era of synthetic reality

In the era of synthetic reality, where the boundaries between the real and the fabricated become increasingly blurred, we are faced with an unprecedented challenge: how to distinguish the genuine from the artificial. With technologies such as OpenAI's Sora creating virtual worlds indistinguishable from reality, this question becomes more pressing. It's no longer just about distinguishing between a Photoshopped image and an unaltered photograph, but about a whole new dimension of understanding reality.

CES 2024: Navigating the Future Technologies Set to Revolutionize Our Daily Lives

The CES 2024 in Las Vegas showcased a breathtaking array of technologies, not just defining the present but offering a glimpse into the future of our society. But what did stand out this year?

Christmas magic: A holiday for innovation and innovation management

In the festive embrace of Christmas, where candlelight and the aroma of pine infuse the air, emerges an unexpected gift: the opportunity for fresh ideas in innovation management. Traditionally a time of reflection and tranquility, Christmas paradoxically can be a potent catalyst for creativity and innovation.
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