Metamobility from Hyundai Motor – walking on Mars in the Metaverse

Das Metaversum lässt uns nicht los. Allein, wenn man sich die diesjährige CES ansieht, hat das Thema ein unglaubliches Level an Verbreitung angenommen. Soweit, dass MIXED es sogar als Buzzword-Hölle bezeichnete.

Doch ein Thema ist bei mir besonders hängengeblieben, die sogenannte Metamobility. Virtual Reality und Mobility passen jetzt nicht zwingend sofort zusammen, vielmehr waren sie lange ein Ausschlusskriterium, doch Hyundai Motor stellte ein einzigartiges Konzept vor. Euisun Chung lieferte mit seinem Vortrag nicht nur eine Show, die dem Veranstaltungsort Las Vegas würdig war, sondern erzählte von seiner Vision der Metamobility – der Fusion von Metaverse und Mobility.


“From a technology perspective, combining our robotics with the metaverse will have a huge impact. Our mobility solutions will be expanded into what we call metamobility”


Hyundai Motor denkt, dass in naher Zukunft die Autos als Zugangstor in die virtuelle Welt dienen wird, während Robotik als Medium für die Verbindung zwischen analoger und digitaler Welt fungiert. An example would be that a car that has access to the metaverse can provide users with various VR experiences. Depending on the occupant’s current need, the car can either open up a meeting room, create an entertainment space, or even enable video games. Household chores at home should also become possible; while the user does them in the digital twin of their home, a robotic avatar mimics everything at their home. A similar model is also envisaged for the operation of smart factories all over the world.

Another example came from outer space. Hyundai described that another use case could be on Mars, where real-time visits to the red planet, including wind and temperature, would be possible. All it would take would be a robot, like Spot, moving about the planet instead of the user.


What will become of the concept of metamobility and whether we will be able to move freely on Mars in the near future, even if only in the metaverse, remains to be seen. But CES 2022 shows again that there are no limits to creativity.


Beitragsbild: Hyundai Motor

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Alexander Pinker
Alexander Pinker
Alexander Pinker is an innovation profiler, future strategist and media expert who helps companies understand the opportunities behind technologies such as artificial intelligence for the next five to ten years. He is the founder of the consulting firm "Alexander Pinker - Innovation Profiling", the innovation marketing agency "innovate! communication" and the news platform "Medialist Innovation". He is also the author of three books and a lecturer at the Technical University of Würzburg-Schweinfurt.

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