4 future industries in which it is worth founding a startup

We live in varied and interesting times. Rarely have there been more opportunities for a startup to actively shape the future and not only tread new paths, but even shape them in a fundamental way. Since the old founding era, from which Siemens and Co still originated, there have rarely been such good opportunities for entrepreneurs.

Here is a look at the industries in which it is currently probably most worthwhile to gain a foothold as a startup.


Quantum computing

The quantum computer will fundamentally change computing. Less latency, entirely new speeds, and incredible dynamics will shape the age of supercomputers. However, with this evolution also comes many benefits for the corporate world. When new technologies and opportunities emerge, it’s usually a great way for startups to get noticed and build and shape an entire market. In the field of quantum computing, there needs to be new application areas, ways to make the computers smaller or even accessible to the general public. While founders need to work closely with research here, they also have a great opportunity to start their own approach.



Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos or Sir Richard Branson. They are all enthusiastic about space and see it as the future. Here in Germany, more and more startups are emerging around commercial space travel. In a few years, the plan is for tourists to find their way into space. Preparing for a colonization of the stars is also a great opportunity for the founders. It needs marketing, business approaches and a whole range of technology for the crew, the efficiency of the rockets and the people who are left behind on planet Earth. Founders therefore need to look, much like Elon Musk did with SpaceX, to see where there are still outdated techniques and concepts that could use innovation.


Quick Commerce

Quick Commerce describes on-demand deliveries, such as those offered by Amazon Fresh, Target or in Germany Gorillas or Flink. Shortly after the order is placed, the products should actually almost be with the consumer. Faster, better and higher quality. Startups can support the current Quick Commerce sizes and improve their processes. Whether through robots in Quck Commerce logistics, as the company NoYes Technologies does, or through support in business development or marketing. Anything is possible in this emerging market.



The last industry we want to look at in this post is the Metaverse. Facebook, Microsoft and Google are working on a new immersive reality. The so-called Metaverse. Here, people are supposed to find an immersive home by means of virtual reality. In the Metaverse, people can not only experience adventures, but also work, build communities and act. Those who manage to get their foot in the door here early on have the opportunity to create a new reality in the truest sense of the word.


Whether these industries or others. Startup founders can take completely new chances and paths in the current disruptive times to actively shape the future. You just have to look for the traces of change with open eyes and know how to use them actively. It takes courage, creativity and a willingness to take risks. But of course it also takes a great deal of foresight.

Alexander Pinker
Alexander Pinkerhttps://www.medialist.info
Alexander Pinker is an innovation profiler, future strategist and media expert who helps companies understand the opportunities behind technologies such as artificial intelligence for the next five to ten years. He is the founder of the consulting firm "Alexander Pinker - Innovation Profiling", the innovation marketing agency "innovate! communication" and the news platform "Medialist Innovation". He is also the author of three books and a lecturer at the Technical University of Würzburg-Schweinfurt.

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