Tag: study

80% of companies have an automation strategy – but few AI projects make it out of the pilot phase

What impact will automation have on our businesses? A recent study by research firm Gartner Inc. found that 80% of executives believe that automation and AI can be applied to nearly every business area and that many companies are currently expanding their strategies.

Goodbye German Angst – we can call it German Shyness now

A question of German Angst. What is our attitude toward artificial intelligence? Are we afraid or open to the technological revolution? A new study by OMD has investigated.

More than half of the companies in the DACH region see optimization potential in their AI strategy

Has artificial intelligence really already arrived in companies or is the DACH region not yet ready for the AI revolution? A current study provides answers...

95% of industrial companies went digital during the Corona pandemic

A new Bitkom study shows that Corona is leading to a surge in digitization in German industry. IoT, 3D printing and 5G are moving into the focus of companies.

BITKOM study – Germany is more confident in artificial intelligence

More people in Germany are discovering the opportunities offered by artificial intelligence and want to use it in almost all areas of life.

The Postpandemic Workforce – How we will work after COVID-19

How will we work after COVID-19? A new study from McKinsey shows how digitalization, automation and health management will shape the companies of tomorrow.

The race to catch up in electric mobility – 1.7 million cars to be produced by German carmakers by 2021

When it comes to electric mobility, Germany is moving into the fast lane. By 2021, car manufacturers want to have overtaken China as the hotspot of eMobility.

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