Tag: Future

Entertainment – An Industry in Transition

The entertainment industry is changing. In this article, we would like to take a look with you at the possibilities of entertainment in the future and take a closer look at a few trends.

Our world in 2036 – futurists forecast our future

What will our future look like? Fifteen British futurists sat down together and considered what our world might look like in 2036. Everything from robotics to our eating habits is included.

Everyday Experiments – How IKEA and SPACE10 are shaping the future of living

IKEA and the design agency SPACE10 design the future of our home and present it in impressive experiments and prototypes.

The Physics of the Impossible

The book "The Physics of the Impossible" shows us how close reality and fiction have already moved together today.

More than science fiction – How visions of the future from Germany 1900 are reality today

In 1900, the Hildebrands chocolate factory launched a futuristic campaign on the theme of "Germany in the year 2000" - the visions of the future of that time are in part already reality today.

Gartner Hype Cycle 2020 – 5 trends that will shape our future

The new Gartner Hype Cycle for 2020 shows a world shaped by COVID-19. 5 trends that will fundamentally shape our future.

The 5 most important skills for the working world of the future

In order to optimally prepare employees for this future, a special skills set is needed. Here is a look at the five most important skills for the working world of the future.

Physics of the Future: How Science Will Shape Human Destiny and Our Daily Lives by the Year 2100

Michio Kaku is one of the most famous masterminds of our time. In his book "The Physics of the Future", the mastermind takes a look at the coming decades.

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