Tag: Collaboration

Future of mobility – VW and Microsoft expand their partnership

Volkswagen is focusing on e-mobility, artificial intelligence and digitalisation for the future. Microsoft should help the carmaker in this.

The role of machines in the future

Our relationship with machines has always been somewhat complicated in the past. But how can we use them efficiently and cooperatively in the future?

Caper and Sobeys – the digitization of the Point-of-Sale

The Smart Cart provider Caper officially starts a partnership with the retailer Sobeys in order to digitize the retail industry.

The Future of Work – The Importance of Virtual Teams

Virtual teams play a central role for the future of work. But what are virtual teams and what distinguishes a successful team of the future?

Daimler, BMW and Uber – A collaboration in autonomous driving

The future of mobility belongs to autonomous driving. Daimler, BMW and Uber are collaborating to advance this technology.

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