Kategorie: Innovation

Neuralink – how Elon Musk wants to upgrade our brain

With his company Neuralink, Tesla boss Elon Musk wants to make our brain more efficient and lead us into the future of learning.

The Future of Marketing – A Kubernetik

Which trends are particularly relevant for marketing in the future? Many factors play a role and a Kubernetik helps to recognize correlations.

Smartwatch or Tablet – IBM’s Latest Patent on the Future of Smartphones

What does the future hold for the smartphone? IBM has very special ideas and combines Smartwatch, Smartphone and Tablet in this new patent.

Innovationsmonitor Publishing

How is the publishing industry doing when it comes to innovation? We address this topic in the study "Innovation Monitor Publishing".

The Future of Aviation – The Morphing Wings of MIT and NASA

With their innovative wing design, a research team from NASA and MIT has achieved a quantum leap in aviation that was previously impossible.

21 Lessons for the 21st Century – Yuval Noah Harari

In his book "21 Lessons for the 21st Century" author Yuval Noha Harari deals with the trends of the future and their effects.

Innovation explained: 5D Glass Data Storage

Our world consists of data. The 5D Glass Data Storage turns glass into a storage medium that can store up to 360 terabytes of data.

Technology trends in marketing

Technologies such as Virtual Reality, Edge Computing and AI are changing our companies and are not stopping at marketing.
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