Kategorie: Innovation Management

5 steps for the integration of digital recruiting in the company

There are various ways to introduce digital recruiting in your company. With these five strategies, a change in recruiting can succeed!

Establishing a culture of innovation – Disruption and risk-taking in companies

In times of technological change and disruption, companies need a revolution in their own structures. It needs a culture of innovation!

Understanding Startups: Characteristics of the Founders

Startups. They are the young innovators, roaming the market, looking for their niche. But what distinguishes young entrepreneurs?

Digital Work Design: The Big Five for Work, Leadership and Organization in the Digital Age

In the course of digitalization, a lot will change. Organizations, too, have to consider a number of things in their processes when it comes to the digital world.

Digital Recruiting – Today’s Applicants

The business world is changing. In order to find candidates for vacant jobs, a new, digital way of recruiting is needed today!

The power of coincidence in innovation

In an age of algorithms, coincidence is becoming less and less important. But in innovation management it is more important than ever.

Designing digitalization: The opportunities of the VUCA world

Digital transformation is making its way into most companies and industries. In times of change one often reads about the so-called VUCA world. But what does this term mean?

The Ten Faces of Innovation – the roles in a differentiated innovation culture

In his book "The Ten Faces of Innovation" Tom Kelley gives deep insights into the different phases of innovation and change in companies.
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