The high pressure to innovate in the publishing industry is beyond question: almost all companies have the topics of innovation, digitization and change on their agenda. However, there is disagreement about the industry’s innovative strength beyond new content: What can be considered innovation in the context of disruption of existing business models by non-industry players and digital transformation? Are publishing houses the tail light in digitization or are they more innovative than their reputation?
Between unshakable confidence, self-doubt and a latent defensive attitude, it is difficult to assess the situation. The recently published Innovation Monitor Publishing has conducted a broad empirical survey on this issue. Two of the authors, innovation profiler Alexander Pinker and Professor Okke Schlüter, Hochschule der Medien, here in an interview on innovation trends in publishing, innovation culture and the role of employees.
“From the idea to the product, this is not yet lived in the publishing industry”
dpr #10/2020
Here the interview for download (PDF in German)
The complete magazine is available here!