When it comes to entertainment, Walt Disney has not only been a pioneer for many decades, but also a creator. From the early beginnings of animated films to today in the fields of robotics and digitization, they are breaking new and sometimes unusual ground.
Mark Zuckerberg posted an update from Meta's virtual world "Horizon Worlds" and the internet could hardly contain its gloating. But now the tech company is responding with an update.
Dubai wants to take off in the metaverse. The government of Dubai has now announced that they currently want to set global standards for the development of immersive platforms.
When it comes to the metaverse, most companies are still looking for a good approach to finding a home for their brand in the virtual world. The Horizon Media agency wants to change that and is opening its own NFT, Metaverse and Web3 department to do just that.
Meta has announced the cancellation of their plans AR glasses with the working name "Project Nazare". They want to change their focus a bit to have more time for more thoughtful glasses.
On June 6, Apple will hold its Worldwide Developers Conference - but what can we expect this year? According to rumors, the trademark application of RealityOS could finally mean the long-awaited Apple VR headset.
The entertainment industry is changing. In this article, we would like to take a look with you at the possibilities of entertainment in the future and take a closer look at a few trends.
What role does the metaverse play for marketing? Meta has now invited advertisers and agencies to a round table discussion to explore the opportunities with them.