Tag: Gartner

Gartner Hype Cycle – Generative AI: The Launchpad for Innovation

2023 is shaping up to be a landmark year for technology. At the forefront of the "Gartner Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies" is Generative AI. And for good reason: it's poised to offer transformative advantages within the next two to five years. Not only is this technology heralding groundbreaking shifts, but it's also paving the way for inventive breakthroughs.

80% of companies have an automation strategy – but few AI projects make it out of the pilot phase

What impact will automation have on our businesses? A recent study by research firm Gartner Inc. found that 80% of executives believe that automation and AI can be applied to nearly every business area and that many companies are currently expanding their strategies.

This is how we will work in the future – Gartner forecasts work trends in 2028

In a new report, Gartner has looked at the work trends of 2028 and shows how our lives will change in the future.

Gartner Trends 2021 – 9 trends that will shape the new year

The research institute Gartner has published the most important strategic technology trends for 2021, paying particular attention to the changes brought about by COVID-19.

Gartner Hype Cycle 2020 – 5 trends that will shape our future

The new Gartner Hype Cycle for 2020 shows a world shaped by COVID-19. 5 trends that will fundamentally shape our future.

Gartner’s 5 steps to enterprise-wide deployment of artificial intelligence

The introduction of artificial intelligence is a great challenge. In the latest Gartner analysis there are solutions for companies.

Digital transformation in Germany – how do we currently compare internationally?

Today the first Digitaltag for digital transformation and participation takes place. But how does Germany perform internationally on the topic of digitization?

69% of routine management tasks are automated by AI

Gartner predicts that 69% of the routine tasks currently performed by managers will be fully automated by AI by the year 2024.

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