Tag: Exoskeleton

Teslasuit’s new VR glove lets us feel physical objects in virtual reality

Teslasuit makes virtual reality tangible with her new VR glove and brings a whole new haptical feeling to the virtual world.

Paralyzed human moves in mind-reading exoskeleton

This exoskeleton, controlled by a brain-machine interface, helps a paralyzed human to walk again - and this is only the beginning.

Innovation explained: Robotics

Robots can do many things that humans cannot do or that are too dangerous for them. But what is robotics and where is it used?

Innovation explained: Exoskeleton

Until now, they have only been known from the screen - exoskeletons. In Iron Man, for example, Tony Stark uses such an exoskeleton as a superhero to do good deeds. But the suits that increase human potential are no longer science fiction, they are now a reality. Innovation explained....

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