Tag: Artificial Intelligence

Company Watch: Deepdub revolutionizes the dubbing of movies, series and games

Deepdub makes the original voices of actors and speakers available in other languages in seconds using artificial intelligence.

How the EU’s artificial intelligence regulation could stall innovation

The EU is working on a regulation for artificial intelligence. In itself, this is not a bad project, but in some cases reality and the regulation are further apart than they should be...a commentary.

AI service Deep Nostalgia brings photos to life

With Deep Nostalgia, My Hertiage breathes new life into photos and paintings using artificial intelligence.

Go Explore – Artificial intelligence achieves new records in the hardest Atari games

The new AI system Go Explore beats the most difficult Atari games to record levels. A breakthrough for artificial intelligence!

Koda’s robot dog recognizes the emotions of its owner

Koda's robot dog can use artificial intelligence to detect whether its owner is happy or sad and react accordingly.

Samsung Bot Handy & Bot Care – the robot butler for everyday life

The robot butlers Bot Handy and Bot Care from Samsung not only do your laundry, but also support you in everyday life.

DALL-E is OpenAI’s revolutionary Image-AI

The new Image-AI DALL-E from OpenAI is in no way inferior to its text generator GPT-3 and independently creates completely image motifs from texts.

AI Gaming with Muzero – Artificial Intelligence beats Atari games

Google's gaming AI Muzero beats Atari games on its own - is this the future of artificial intelligence.

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