Kategorie: Artificial Intelligence

Nvidia Omniverse Avatar – the voice assistant of the future

Nvidia uses its experience in artificial intelligence to make other voice assistants, such as Siri and Alexa, look old with their Omniverse Avatar.

Innovation explained: Supervised Learning

AI is a household name for many, but how do machines learn? In this "Innovation Explained", we take a look at supervised learning.

Intel’s Neuromorphic Computing Makes AI More Human

Neuromorphic computing takes AI to a new level. With its 120 million artificial synapses, Intel's machine is not only more powerful than ever - it can also get tired.

DeepMind develops an AI that can accurately predict the weather

DeepMind's new AI makes it possible to accurately predict heavy rain. A revolution in weather forecasting and an opportunity for many sectors.

The Future of Advertising – Bruce Willis in a Russian Deep Fake Commercial

"Die Hard" icon Bruce Willis has a new role in a Russian commercial. But he didn't have to enter a film set for it, instead he licenses his face for the innovative Deep Fake commercial.

Come to the digital conference “AI@media” – Artificial Intelligence in Media and Communication

Join us at our conference AI@media and learn everything about artificial intelligence in media, marketing and communication!

Artificial intelligence recognizes patient’s skin color from X-ray images

Sometimes artificial intelligence does do completely surprising things. In an experiment conducted by an international research team, the artificial intelligence used recognized the skin color of patients from X-ray images.

The Tesla Bot – Elon Musk announces the end of physical labor

At Tesla's AI Days, Elon Musk unveiled a humanoid robot that will take over all repetitive, boring or strenuous work for humans in the future.
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