Kategorie: Innovation Management

Digital Leadership – How Managers Drive Business Through Digital Transformation

In times of digital transformation, Digital Leadership is becoming increasingly important. Management must adapt to the new challenges.

Open innovation process – your way to disruptive ideas

Today, the innovation process is about speed and creativity. The Open Innovation Process combines the best internal and external ideas.

Innovation methods: Brainwriting

In order to come up with new and innovative ideas, you sometimes have to break new ground. One innovation method is brainwriting.

5 steps for the integration of digital recruiting in the company

There are various ways to introduce digital recruiting in your company. With these five strategies, a change in recruiting can succeed!

Establishing a culture of innovation – Disruption and risk-taking in companies

In times of technological change and disruption, companies need a revolution in their own structures. It needs a culture of innovation!

Understanding Startups: Characteristics of the Founders

Startups. They are the young innovators, roaming the market, looking for their niche. But what distinguishes young entrepreneurs?

Digital Work Design: The Big Five for Work, Leadership and Organization in the Digital Age

In the course of digitalization, a lot will change. Organizations, too, have to consider a number of things in their processes when it comes to the digital world.

Digital Recruiting – Today’s Applicants

The business world is changing. In order to find candidates for vacant jobs, a new, digital way of recruiting is needed today!
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