Company Watch: Zeleros – with the European Hyperloop from Berlin to Paris in one hour

Getting from Berlin to Paris in an hour sounds almost impossible. Even though train connections are improving all the time, such a journey is unimaginable for most travelers. But in 2045, this could become reality and elegant Hyperloop capsules will transport us from A to B in the shortest possible time. What new possibilities this would open up – an afternoon trip to Barcelona, a quick visit to the Eiffel Tower, Europe growing together. This is precisely the mission of the Shift2Rail organization, which dreams of a unified European railroad area, but this cannot be achieved with the current trains.

Good thing there are hyperloops. Although many probably have the image of Elon Musk in mind now, however, I don’t mean his company. The concept of the hyperloop is very old. It was first brought up in the 19th century, so many more companies are working on solutions.


Welcome to the future of rail travel in Europe (Source: euronews)


Zeleros in Spain is actively working to connect Europe via Hyperloop and make the above vision a reality. Das europäische Unternehmen mit Sitz in Valencia, das ein skalierbares Hyperloop-System entwickelt hat, stellte sein Hyperloop-Fahrzeug erstmals im spanischen Pavillon der Expo 2020 in Dubai vor. Es ist das erste Mal in der Geschichte, dass ein Hyperloop auf einer Weltausstellung präsentiert wird. Das System hat mehr als 7000 km von Valencia nach Dubai zurückgelegt, um den bahnbrechenden Ansatz von Zeleros für eine Reise mit 1000 km/h und ohne schädliche Emissionen zu präsentieren.

“We put the vehicle in a tube where we eliminate most of the air, and on the other side we make the vehicle float so that it does not touch the ground. In this way, we reduce the main friction and can operate with five to ten times more energy efficiency than an airplane”- Juan Vicén Balaguer, Zeleros Hyperloop


150 employees are currently working to make the vision of an emission-neutral and efficient journey possible. The company is also working hand-in-hand with European Commission institutions and ecosystem stakeholders to create a regulatory and standardization framework to ensure cross-border interoperability of Hyperloops, becoming a global focal point for ultra-high-speed mobility, expanding the trans-European high-speed network and beyond.



Post picture: Zeleros Hyperloop

Alexander Pinker
Alexander Pinker
Alexander Pinker is an innovation profiler, future strategist and media expert who helps companies understand the opportunities behind technologies such as artificial intelligence for the next five to ten years. He is the founder of the consulting firm "Alexander Pinker - Innovation Profiling", the innovation marketing agency "innovate! communication" and the news platform "Medialist Innovation". He is also the author of three books and a lecturer at the Technical University of Würzburg-Schweinfurt.

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