SoundBeamer – Music without headphones, directly into your ear

Our headphones are becoming more and more precise and unobtrusive. The success of AirBuds and similar small Bluetooth headphones shows how much users want a good sound experience without globular headphones. Noveto Systems goes one step further with its development. Their new system, the SoundBeamer, projects the music or sounds directly into the head without the need for headphones.


New device puts music in your head – no headphones required (Source: Associated Press)


According to the latest news, the technology uses a 3D scanning module that detects the position of the ear and focuses the sound directly on it. The system then sends so-called ultrasonic waves to the user so that only the user can listen to the music.
The auditory experience is similar to a loudspeaker; according to a conversation with Associated Press, it has an extremely spatial effect and follows the user across the room.

Noveto expects to release the first version of SoundBeamer in December 2021.


Innovation profile: SoundBeamer

SoundBeamer is designed to completely change the user experience in terms of auditory perception. New sound experiences and self-determined consumption in a world of information overflow are the idea of Noveto. But how does this development compare with the innovation profile?

The method of transmitting sound directly into the ear is nothing new in itself, but the application methodology of SoundBeamer is unique to date and opens up completely new potential, which is why the innovation is to be rated highly.

The complexity, on the other hand, should be set very low. Because the ear is automatically located, little activity is expected of the user, which makes it easy to use. The problems are uncertainty and conflict content. Both are rather high, since the projection of sounds that no one but the targeted person can hear has great potential for misuse. People can be misled or even manipulated while the environment is unaware of it. For this reason, there must be ways to stop these auditory influences or to know when one has been focused.

Conclusion: Despite some critical aspects the innovation SoundBeamer is a great chance in music consumption and fits the current trend of comfortable, lightweight and wireless headphones and audio systems.


Post picture: SoundBeamer

Alexander Pinker
Alexander Pinker
Alexander Pinker is an innovation profiler, future strategist and media expert who helps companies understand the opportunities behind technologies such as artificial intelligence for the next five to ten years. He is the founder of the consulting firm "Alexander Pinker - Innovation Profiling", the innovation marketing agency "innovate! communication" and the news platform "Medialist Innovation". He is also the author of three books and a lecturer at the Technical University of Würzburg-Schweinfurt.

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