Will Google search soon be even more intelligent? At their “Search On” event, the tech giant gave hope to search engine users. Soon, according to the company, spelling mistakes might not matter, forgotten songs might be found and information might become even more detailed. All thanks to an even better and more effective artificial intelligence that will be fed into Google search.
“We’re making several new improvements to help you navigate your world and get things done more safely and efficiently. Live busyness updates show you how busy a place is right now so you can more easily social distance, and we’ve added a new feature to Live View to help you get essential information about a business before you even step inside.”
The basic redevelopment of Google’s core is supposed to help to even better deal with the contents of the searched websites and even distinguish subcategories. So when you are looking for a new fitness device for your home, you can not only filter by brand, but even choose how “space-saving” the device should be.
Even the Google search on the smartphone gets better
Also the search with Google Assistant will be even better with the AI update. So in the future, the question of which song is in your head will no longer be a big headache. With the new voice-activated search for smartphones, you only have to hum the melody for 10-15 seconds for the Google Assistant to suggest the most likely options based on the hummed melody.
With these updates, Google now stands out even more from the competition and shows what their AI department has been working on for the last few months. More information about the updates can be found on the Google Blog.