Since Star Trek first aired in 1966, the science fiction series has not only captivated countless fans, but has also repeatedly predicted technological innovations that have since become part of our everyday lives.
Innovations and technologies are an important part of our modern lives. From smartphones to social media to self-driving cars, there are always new developments that change our world. But despite the many benefits that innovations bring, there are still many people who are afraid of them - especially in Germany.
The new year has begun, and in 2023 we can once again expect a lot of new developments and innovations. Here are three trends that are likely to keep us busy in the coming months.
Have you ever wondered which science fiction ideas have already become reality? From the development of the Internet to the use of robots and drones, science fiction has produced many ideas that are now part of our everyday lives. In our article, we'll take you on a journey through the world of science fiction and show you which technologies were predicted by visionaries and are now part of our lives.