Tag: AI

This AI generated image made 1st place in an art competition – an opportunity or a threat to the creative industries?

Can there be art without creativity? That's the discussion sparked by a digital painting that won first place in this year's Colorado State Fair digital art competition.

80% of companies have an automation strategy – but few AI projects make it out of the pilot phase

What impact will automation have on our businesses? A recent study by research firm Gartner Inc. found that 80% of executives believe that automation and AI can be applied to nearly every business area and that many companies are currently expanding their strategies.

XIAOMI’s CyberOne beats Tesla in battle for first humanoid robot

Xiaomi presents CyberOne and takes the lead over Tesla in the race for the first humanoid robot. A look at man's future best mechanical friend.

GPT-3 writes a scientific article about itself and releases it for publication

Can an artificial intelligence write scientific articles? In Gothenburg, Open AIs GPT-3 has now proven that it is capable of doing so and has even agreed to be published in an academic journal. Are we looking at the future of scientific work?

70,000 hours of video footage – how OpenAI’s AI learned to play Minecraft

Using 70,000 hours of video footage, an AI has now taught itself how to play Minecraft and is showing impressive. The next step, OpenAI says, is to teach it how to use a computer in general.

IKEAS app can now delete your furniture and replace it with theirs

With the update of their app, IKEA creates another revolution in augmented reality. In just a few steps, you can now not only have a digital copy of your own room, but also simply replace your own furniture with IKEA's in it.

When AI creates images – text-to-image with Midjourney

Artificial intelligence is changing the way we perceive reality. But text-to-picture solutions, like Midjourney, bring a whole new way of using the technology - sometimes impressive, sometimes disturbing...

Google’s PHORUM AI model creates photorealistic 3D avatars

Avatars will be a big part of our future communication, especially with the Metaverse in the starting blocks. With Google's PHORUM AI model, creating them will be child's play in the future, because all it takes is a photo.

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