Kategorie: Technology

RaDoTech – The Medical Full Body Scan for the Home

In times of medical self-determination, the RaDoTech company offers a full body scan that can be done comfortably from home.

Paralyzed human moves in mind-reading exoskeleton

This exoskeleton, controlled by a brain-machine interface, helps a paralyzed human to walk again - and this is only the beginning.

Porsche and Boeing – Collaboration for more luxury in flying cars

Sports cars are a status symbol, but how will that look in the future? Porsche and Boeing are working on the flying car as the luxury good of tomorrow.

Ghostbusters in Augmented Reality – become a ghost hunter yourself

With this Augmented Reality application from Sony Japan, you can enter the world of the Ghostbusters and hunt ghosts and demons.

Innovation explained: Bioprinting

Bioprinting, a form of 3D printing, brings medical innovation to tissue and organ printing. But what is the potential behind the method?

SUNconference19 – The future begins today

How do you design for the end of the world? What does the future hold for the automotive industry and which innovation markets will we open up in the coming years? Find the answeres at SUNconference19.

PowerPoint Presenter Coach – improve your own presentation with AI

Public lectures are a torture for many people. The PowerPoint Presenter Coach is supposed to help with the preparation of the presentation by means of AI.

Verizon bets on blockchain SIM cards

According to its latest patent, technology giant Verizon is relying on a new type of virtual SIM card based on blockchain technology.
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