Kategorie: Technology

Play-to-Earn – NFT and Blockchain as the Future of Gaming.

The play-to-earn principle could represent the future of gaming. Using NFT technology and blockchain, a new way of making money digitally is being created.

Nvidia Omniverse Avatar – the voice assistant of the future

Nvidia uses its experience in artificial intelligence to make other voice assistants, such as Siri and Alexa, look old with their Omniverse Avatar.

Innovation explained: Supervised Learning

AI is a household name for many, but how do machines learn? In this "Innovation Explained", we take a look at supervised learning.

Four tech horror movies for Halloween night

To get spooked on Halloween we have selected the best movies around technologies that are not only fascinating, but can also blow the circuits with fright!

Facebook is now called Meta and invests billions in the metaverse

Facebook is now called Meta and is investing billions in the future of social VR and life in the virtual world.

Flying past the traffic jam with the Jetson One

Flying cars, air cabs and individual transportation that takes place between the clouds. With the Jetson One, a Swedish company wants to make this dream of tomorrow's mobility a reality.

SolidLight – Holograms as real as reality

Holograms are an integral part of our vision of the future. But with SolidLight from the company Light Field Lab, they become a more impressive part of our everyday lives.

Reboot for Magic Leap – how the headset is changing AR

Magic Leap is back in the conversation and looking to turn the augmented reality industry on its head with their new headset.
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