Kategorie: Innovation

How Facebook is changing human-computer interaction forever with this wearable

Facebook impressively showcases the future of human-computer interaction with their latest wearable prototype.

A look back…at the home of the future – CBS television special from 1967.

"A look back..." is a new format that takes a look at visions of the future that didn't quite come to pass as predicted. Today it's about the vision of the home of tomorrow from 1967.

Is Facebook planning its own smartwatch?

Is Facebook working on a smartwatch? According to a recent report, the social media giant wants to focus not only on messaging but also on health and fitness in 2022 - all thanks to its own wearable.

Personal ID card on the smartphone

With the new plan for an ID card on the smartphone, digitization is making its way into the bureaucracy.

Microsoft Viva: The Future of the Home Office?

To help shape this world of "New Working," Microsoft has now unveiled Viva, a new employee platform.

Venture fund for EnviroTech – Robert Downey Jr. invests in the future of our planet

Robert Downey Jr. is following in the footsteps of futurist Tony Stark and wants to support innovative companies with his environmental initiative "Footprint Coalition Ventures".

CES 2021 – is the virtual version of the technology event worth it?

Today marks the start of the Consumer Electronics Show 2021, this year purely virtual - but what does that mean for the innovations at CES 2021?

Sony 360 Reality Audio – the audiovisual future of live streaming

Sony presents the future of audiovisual media with 360 Reality Audio. Music and voices, exactly as they sound in reality.
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