Kategorie: Future

Traces of Change: Megatrend Algorithmization

Data and algorithms are conquering our future. Algorithmization will remain in the future and is therefore a megatrend that is highly relevant.

Innovation explained: Quantum computers

We often read about the potentials of so-called quantum computers. But what does this mean? An insight into the opportunities of the new technology.

Traces of Change: Megatrend Urbanization

You read a lot about them: urbanization. When this megatrend is over, people are increasingly drawn to the cities. Some characteristics of the trend, from Urban Gardening to Connected City!

Innovation explained: CRISPR

One technology that will fundamentally change our world is CRISPR. In the few years in which this forward-looking technology has been used, it has captivated physicians and researchers. But what is CRISPR and why should we care about this innovative development?

Innovation explained: Circular Economy

Sustainability, sharing economy and system thinking - all these concepts are part of the Circular Economy, which will have a massive impact on our world of tomorrow. But what exactly is behind this economic system?

Innovation explained: 5G-Technology

The 5G-technology seems to be the next big thing in mobile technology - but how fast is it really? Is it a completely new standard that will revolutionize the mobile phone industry, or is it just a hype that will disappear as quickly as it came up?

Innovation explained: Exoskeleton

Until now, they have only been known from the screen - exoskeletons. In Iron Man, for example, Tony Stark uses such an exoskeleton as a superhero to do good deeds. But the suits that increase human potential are no longer science fiction, they are now a reality. Innovation explained....

Trends 2018 – The Year of Disruption

Technology trends know no turn of the year. The last year has brought many changes in the tech landscape, which will mature in 2018.
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