When it comes to the metaverse, most companies are still looking for a good approach to finding a home for their brand in the virtual world.
But one company is now looking to change that. Horizon Media, one of the largest media agencies in the U.S., have announced the launch of their own division in the Metaverse, called “Chapter & Verse.” The team is one of the first in the industry to work on the Metaverse, Web3, NFTs, blockchain, cryptocurrencies, DAO communities and all related facets. The services offered focus on consulting, creative conception and development, and events.
“We know that the metaverse and Web3 are bringing fundamental change to consumers and offering brands unimagined opportunities when used correctly.” – Bill Koenigsberg, CEO Horizon Media
In the consulting offered by Horizon Media, they will focus on the most interesting business topics of the moment. Here, according to the agency, it will be especially about the clarification of the metaverse and its possibilities. Also the transfer of Web 2,0 to the Web3 is more near regarded here. It concerns thus strategies, idea generation, conception and project management.
The topic of creative conception will be about supporting the creation of immersive experiences within the metaverse. NFT development, brand merchandising and new platforms will also be developed here.
In the events division, the metaverse is to become more tangible, using experiences and activations to not only make the topic more tangible, but also to enable hybrid events.
The start Horizon Media is making can be a great model for other industries. After all, now is the time to prepare for the new generation of the Internet. So perhaps they are a pioneer for other companies to optimize the transition.