Tag: Artificial Intelligence

Company Watch: Luther.AI – the Google for memory

Luther.AI, the Google for memories, should help us to store and retrieve all information of our everyday life in an optimal way.

BlazePose – Google recognizes if you train correctly

BlazePose, the new tracking software from Google, uses artificial intelligence to optimally recognize and interpret user poses.

Gartner’s 5 steps to enterprise-wide deployment of artificial intelligence

The introduction of artificial intelligence is a great challenge. In the latest Gartner analysis there are solutions for companies.

Facebook uses AI to simulate user interaction on the platform

For a platform, new features or harmful user interaction can be a major challenge. Facebook uses an AI to create a complete simulation of the social network.

Company Watch: UiPath – Europe’s highest rated start-up

The company UiPath is Europe's highest rated start-up. What makes the company special for robot-supported process automation in this "Company Watch" article.

The 7 patterns of artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence has become an increasingly central topic in recent years. But which building blocks do all applications have in common? An insight into the seven patterns of AI!

How digital is Germany’s industry – a new BITKOM study clarifies

What about the digitisation of German industry? A current study by Bitkom has dealt with this question and brought interesting results to light.

The new camera sensors from Sony have their own artificial intelligence

SONY is taking a new path with its new camera sensors and, thanks to built-in AI processing, not only enables lower processing latency but also higher data protection.

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