Kategorie: Technology

The manta uses the plastic in the ocean to get around

Tomorrow is the International Day of the Environment. For this, I would like to take a look at a special innovation - the Manta. A boat that not only collects plastic in the ocean, but also uses it to power itself.

More than half of the companies in the DACH region see optimization potential in their AI strategy

Has artificial intelligence really already arrived in companies or is the DACH region not yet ready for the AI revolution? A current study provides answers...

Augmented reality revolution – Snapchat launches new smart AR glasses

Snapchat has been working on its own augmented reality headset for several years. The Spectacles project is the most ambitious of the projects presented so far - at least that was the announcement at Snap's annual Partner Summit.

Google Starline – Fighting Zoom Fatigue with Hyper-Telepresence

In the last few weeks, you keep reading about the so-called Zoom Fatigue - at their developer conference Google I/O, the company Google Starline presented the future of video communication.

HoloLens 2 receives a major update

Microsoft's HoloLens recently received a completely new update. According to the company's own statements, it has taken user feedback into account.

Volkswagen plans to put autonomous vehicles on German roads by 2025

By 2025, Volkswagen aims to put a Level 4 autonomous vehicle on the roads with the VW ID Buzz AD for its subsidiary Moia.

Innovation explained: Helium network for IoT applications

The Internet of Things will greatly change our everyday lives with its breakthrough. An important building block could be the Helium network. It is decentralized blockchain network for IoT devices. 

Company Watch: Deepdub revolutionizes the dubbing of movies, series and games

Deepdub makes the original voices of actors and speakers available in other languages in seconds using artificial intelligence.
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