Kategorie: Innovation

Data Scientist – a job for the future

We live in a world of data. More and more processes, applications and systems are based entirely on the use of usage and movement data. In this new digital age, a different type of expert, the so-called data scientist, is needed.

The GDPR and the Blockchain: End of a technology?

It has been the subject of much discussion in recent days: the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). But what does the new regulation mean for the blockchain technology?

Innovations?! – of coincidences, disruption and the keen eye

It is hard to imagine a world without innovations. For the blog parade "Innovations?! Future as a goal" I get to the bottom of innovation and take a look at the source of good ideas.

Traces of Change: Megatrend Urbanization

You read a lot about them: urbanization. When this megatrend is over, people are increasingly drawn to the cities. Some characteristics of the trend, from Urban Gardening to Connected City!

Designing digitization: The platform economy as an opportunity for companies

Industry leaders such as Amazon, Facebook, Salesforce, and Uber have created structures through the creation of platforms that enable a broad spectrum of human participation and interaction. This platform economy changes the way we work, communicate or work creatively.

3D Healthcare: 3D Printing in Medicine

3D printing is not only indispensable in industry, but also in medicine. From prosthetics to printing medical instruments, it offers great potential in the healthcare sector.

MIT’s AlterEgo allows us to communicate with machines without words

Communication without words? MIT researchers have now developed the wearable AlterEgo based on subvocalization, which can measure neuromuscular signals that enable mobile communication without words.

The Inevitable: Understanding the 12 Technological Forces That Will Shape Our Future

Kevin Kelly, founding executive editor of WIRED magazine, describes the future in his book "The Inevitable: Understanding the 12 Technological Forces That Will Shape Our Future". A hopeful book about trends and technologies that whet the appetite for the world of tomorrow!
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