We live in a world of data. More and more processes, applications and systems are based entirely on the use of usage and movement data in order to deliver the best possible results. This goes so far that the data era will count as a megatrend for the next 30 to 50 years. In this new digital age, a different type of expert, the so-called data scientist, is needed.
Data Science and Data Scientist
Data science is roughly speaking the combination of statistical analysis methods with big data. But it goes on. For many years in a row, the job of data scientist has become one of the hottest jobs on the market! However, it is not only about the salary, which in the USA for example is around 117,000 dollars per year, but also about the tasks. In the data science sector, professionals are looking for traces. As an innovaiton profiler, it sounded to me like an ability that I really wanted to master.
What is Data Science? (Source: Simplilearn)
By a lucky coincidence I became aware of the Bertelsmann Data Science Scholarship, which the company is tendering together with Udacity. Within the framework of this funding, 15,000 applicants will be trained in the fundamentals of data science. The top 1,500 students gain deeper insights into the form of a nano degree, a small individual online course of study, as a business analyst, data analyst or data scientist.
Skills of a Data Scientist
What must a Data Scientist master? How can you dig through the infinite amount of data? Not all experts have to be coders or have been working for years. The first part of the Data Science Challenge is therefore suitable for the basics. In the field of data science, you simply need an understanding of the basic principles of statistics. From elementary components, such as the composition of a questionnaire, to deeper insights into mean value, z-value, etc. The visualization of data should not be underestimated either. Many entrepreneurs know the different types of diagrams and graphics, but reading and interpreting them is a thing of its own. Here, too, the Udacity course starts and explains it in simple, yet comprehensible exercises and lessons.
Last but not least, the coding. Now, if you’re wondering, since I said not to be a coder, not to panic. No expert is needed for any existing programming language. The basics and an understanding of Python and SQL are often sufficient to handle the amount of data.
The next step
The next step for me is to complete the first phase and hope for a nano degree at Udacity. As a consultant, for example, the business analyst would be the most exciting one for me, since he would add data science capabilities to my previous set of methods.
For all the others who want to make their way to data science, my message is not to give up. If you have no experience in statistics or the program languages mentioned above, you can think yourself into it relatively quickly and with a little brain fat. The efforts will pay off in the end.