Traces of Change: Transhumanism

We are constantly developing further: from thought-controlled prostheses and electronics directly attached to or in the body, to the targeted use of nanorobots in the bloodstream – no process in the human organism seems to be sacrosanct anymore. This idea is the cornerstone of the megatrend called transhumanism.

Transhumanism, so the general definition, is a very special way of thinking about the future. It deals with the question of how man can develop himself further in order to keep up with the increasing technologization.

The subject of transhumanism is nothing new. For almost twenty years now, people have been thinking about how to merge technology and biology. The groundbreaking discoveries in human biology, which have received enormous attention, especially in recent years, and the constant improvement of sensors, robotics and artificial intelligence have allowed some people to take a new look at the next evolutionary stage of mankind. This discussion is always accompanied by major ethical and philosophical questions, but the movement of transhumanism is gaining momentum.

The question with which the proponents are concerned is To what extent can people shape the next type of human being themselves?


Ray Kurzweil: Ready for hybrid thinking? (Source: TED)


Many current examples seem abstruse and like from a science fiction film. From real cyborgs to people who have their car keys implanted in their arm. But one thing is clear to all advocates of the megatrend: the limitations of the human body no longer appear absolute due to new developments and technical possibilities.

Some of the innovators of our time are also concerned with the expansion of the human body. Just take a look at Neuralink by Elon Musk, who wants to augment the human intellect through his efforts.

No matter what one’s opinion is on the subject of transhumanism, the efforts of the group are understandable: it is essentially about eliminating aging and greatly improving the intellectual, physical and psychological abilities of the human being. They want to overcome the limits and make the best of our situation.

Transhumanism can be seen as an extension of humanism, according to the first sources on the subject. While humanism focuses on the human being as an individual, transhumanism goes one step further and says that man should reach his full potential, even if this concerns the augmentation of his own body.

Even though we are still far from a final solution, the trend of transhumanism, as futurologists worldwide agree, will not disappear so quickly and man and machine will move even closer together in the world of tomorrow.

Alexander Pinker
Alexander Pinker
Alexander Pinker is an innovation profiler, future strategist and media expert who helps companies understand the opportunities behind technologies such as artificial intelligence for the next five to ten years. He is the founder of the consulting firm "Alexander Pinker - Innovation Profiling", the innovation marketing agency "innovate! communication" and the news platform "Medialist Innovation". He is also the author of three books and a lecturer at the Technical University of Würzburg-Schweinfurt.

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