Kategorie: Innovation Culture

Innovation methods: Analogy method

In the field of innovation, you don't always have to reinvent the wheel. The analogy method helps in the process of finding new ideas and possibilities.

Understanding Startups: The role of the founder

Every team needs a leader. The founder of a start-up company is not only the boss, he is also a role model for his employees.

Deutsche Post – a comment on German Angst

Postal boss Appel is critical of the innovations Deutsche Post has been working on. A commentary on Germans' fear of the future.

Digital Leader – the Importance of Trust in the Digital Age

In times of digital transformation you need good digital leaders. One characteristic of these is the trusting relationship with customers and employees.

Open Innovation Process – Sources of Innovation

With the Open Innovation approach, companies can gain a completely new perspective on their product. These sources can help you find new ideas.

Skills for the future of work

The future of work is here. Automation and Digitisation are creating new occupations. However, these skills can also be used to score points in the future.

LEGO Serious Play – playfully shaping the future

With LEGO Serious Play, workshops and meetings can unleash a whole new kind of creativity, promote innovation and unleash potential in the company.

Innovation methods: 6-3-5 method

A very popular innovation method is the so-called 6-3-5 method. With this method it is possible to create up to 108 ideas.
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