Alexander Pinker

Alexander Pinker is an innovation profiler, future strategist and media expert who helps companies understand the opportunities behind technologies such as artificial intelligence for the next five to ten years. He is the founder of the consulting firm "Alexander Pinker - Innovation Profiling", the innovation marketing agency "innovate! communication" and the news platform "Medialist Innovation". He is also the author of three books and a lecturer at the Technical University of Würzburg-Schweinfurt.

Data Healthcare: Big data in medicine

Big Data offers the healthcare sector a variety of opportunities. Data Healthcare makes processes more efficient, patient-focused and cost-effective.

Digital Leader – the Importance of Trust in the Digital Age

In times of digital transformation you need good digital leaders. One characteristic of these is the trusting relationship with customers and employees.

Manufacturing the Future – How Artificial Intelligence Conquers Factories

Artificial intelligence is an essential driver of the fourth industrial revolution. Especially in manufacturing, AI will revolutionize quite a few things.

Samsung creates Next-Generation Curved Gear VR Headset

A new patent application from Samsung at the US Patent Office shows the future plans of the company in the Virtual Reality and Mixed Reality area.

Amazon Scout – the Amazon robot delivery service

With Amazon Scout, the eCommerce giant is launching a pilot project with delivery robots. The autonomous supplier is now being tested at selected locations.

Tools of Titans: The Tactics, Routines, and Habits of Billionaires, Icons, and World-Class Performers

What distinguishes the most successful entrepreneurs? Tim Ferriss knows the answer and reveals it in his book "Tools of Titans".

Innovation marketing – the customer in focus

In innovation management, marketing starts very early in the process. The customer is always at the centre of innovation marketing.

Innovation explained: Fusion energy

Fusion energy can represent an emission-free and globally available solution for the energy requirements of the future in the coming years.

Alexander Pinker

Alexander Pinker is an innovation profiler, future strategist and media expert who helps companies understand the opportunities behind technologies such as artificial intelligence for the next five to ten years. He is the founder of the consulting firm "Alexander Pinker - Innovation Profiling", the innovation marketing agency "innovate! communication" and the news platform "Medialist Innovation". He is also the author of three books and a lecturer at the Technical University of Würzburg-Schweinfurt.
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