Alexander Pinker

Alexander Pinker is an innovation profiler, future strategist and media expert who helps companies understand the opportunities behind technologies such as artificial intelligence for the next five to ten years. He is the founder of the consulting firm "Alexander Pinker - Innovation Profiling", the innovation marketing agency "innovate! communication" and the news platform "Medialist Innovation". He is also the author of three books and a lecturer at the Technical University of Würzburg-Schweinfurt.

Education 2030 – A journey into the future of education

At the International Scientific Conference "Bioeconomy and Rural Development" in Jelgava, Latvia I took the participants on a journey into the future.

Google Maps AR – Navigation with Augmented Reality

With the latest update presented on Google I/O, Google Maps will soon show the route by using Augmented Reality Technology.

Futures Space – we have landed

Actively shaping the future. This is a goal that all companies must face today. Futures Space helps companies on their way into the future.

Four types of innovation in the enterprise of tomorrow

In order to modernize one's own business model and gain an understanding of the opportunities on the market, there are different types of innovation.

What we can learn from the innovation culture at Nintendo

What we can learn from the 130-year history of Nintendo on innovation culture and innovation management. It only takes courage and a future mentality.

Innovation explained: Nanobots

In a few years, nanobots will lead our world into the next technological revolution. What the tiny smart robots can do...

Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality – The terms you need to know

New technologies are often confusing at first. You should know these terms when it comes to Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality!

Escape from Reality – Escapism in Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality enables the journey into a virtual world. But this possibility also holds some dangers. One of them is escapism.

Alexander Pinker

Alexander Pinker is an innovation profiler, future strategist and media expert who helps companies understand the opportunities behind technologies such as artificial intelligence for the next five to ten years. He is the founder of the consulting firm "Alexander Pinker - Innovation Profiling", the innovation marketing agency "innovate! communication" and the news platform "Medialist Innovation". He is also the author of three books and a lecturer at the Technical University of Würzburg-Schweinfurt.
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