Tag: KI

AI Sales – Artificial Intelligence in Sales

Artificial intelligence, used correctly, can optimize the sales process and make it more efficient. Click here for an insight into the possibilities of AI sales.

Meena – the new chatbot from Google, which should change everything

With its new chatbot Meena, Google has enormously increased the conversational power of its Conversational Artificial Intelligence.

Education 2030 – A journey into the future of education

At the International Scientific Conference "Bioeconomy and Rural Development" in Jelgava, Latvia I took the participants on a journey into the future.

Manufacturing the Future – How Artificial Intelligence Conquers Factories

Artificial intelligence is an essential driver of the fourth industrial revolution. Especially in manufacturing, AI will revolutionize quite a few things.

Caper – the shopping cart with artificial intelligence

Trade is in a state of constant change. The Startup Caper brings a unique innovation to the market with its AI-controlled shopping cart.

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